"Blitzkrieg '40 -The Battle for France" is the second in our Armies & Alliances WWII series. If you liked Arnhem '44, then you will really like Blitz '40: 221 minis including separate infantry figures, tanks, artillery, mechanized, recon, fighters and bombers made for each nation. Two big, beautiful map sections that fit together to create a truly impressive campaign area - from the German frontier with fortress Holland all the way to Paris at 9 miles/hex! Event cards introduce aspects from the historical contest and add to the re-playability and "fog of war". The combat system is similar to Arnhem '44 but adjusted for division vs. battalion scale, and the air rules include Air Superiority, Interception, Interdiction, Close Air Support, Combat Air Patrol, and Ground Attack missions. This game may use minis and big maps, but make no mistake, it is a REAL wargame, not just a great-looking one. Players can even choose to use counters instead of minis - both are provided to fit your personal preference!

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Here's the link to the Kickstarter campaign so you can reserve your copy now:


And here's the interview on The Player's Aid blog with detailed information about the game design and more: 

Interview with Kevin Talley Developer for Armies & Alliances: Blitzkrieg ’40 – The Battle for France from Cadet Games Currently on Kickstarter – The Players' Aid (theplayersaid.com) 

May 10, 1940.  Led by daring airborne operations, carefully planned road march schedules and well-rehearsed river-crossing pioneer elements, the German army attacked the allied armies from the Dutch frontier through Belgium and into France along a 300-mile front.  The allied armies moved north into Belgium according to their own plan, hoping to meet the Germans and fight them away from the French countryside - avoiding the devastation of France that characterized the last war.  But the expected German attack into central Belgium was just a feint - the main attack was moving through the Ardennes forest, terrain thought by the French to be unsuited to armored forces.  After a short but bloody campaign of just a few days, Holland was subdued first.

Then the Germans achieved strategic surprise by crossing the river Meuse opposite the Ardennes at the hinge point of the allied defense with the overwhelming strength of multiple Panzer (tank) Divisions.  This move perfectly split the allied armies in two, which resulted in the best-equipped and most mobile of the allied armies being trapped and surrounded in Belgium.  The resulting disaster featured the evacuation of the British from Dunkirk, as well as the utter defeat of France and Belgium.  In just 6 weeks, the Germans had achieved one of the greatest military victories in history.  Can you, as the Allied player, defeat the enemy’s plans and change the outcome?  Or will you, as the Germans, honor the past by winning a stunning battlefield success?  Get ready to make or change history by playing your part in “A&A Blitzkrieg ‘40 - The Battle for France.”